

Leo has a varicella infection! Poor boy and although I really love dots, I prefere them on fabric or mugs.

This means that we are more or less attached to the house.

Which means Leo is more or less attached to me ..

..which means I can't do anything than pamper him, reading stories or building huge towers with his Legos. ( In the meantime the dish-, laundry- and dust towers are building up also...

So I was thinking I could invite you to a short stroll to our house. Just showing you a few spots.
I am a home deco magazine addict and just love to see pictures of interiors. ant I KNOW there are others like me out there.
I'm not alone.
Please say yes!

I have allways flowers in the house. So I can never have too many glass vases.

Flowers on the wall of Lynn's room.The spot in the grass is lipstick. My VERY RED kind of VERY LONG LASTING lipstick!

Leo's room is decorated in a nautic theme. The live buoy is fom my husbands grandparents sailing boat. They were sailing around the world for 5 years after retiering.

My favorite place to browse in those mentioned magazines or knit or snuggle up with the children and their books or thinking about new crafting projects or....

A corner of the bathroom.
Actually the only one presentable.
You remember, the Lego towers !

This table is the result of one quick trip to the thrift store, one can of black spray paint and one black spot in the lawn of the backyard.
Et voila !

I love vintage soda bottles. The white one I carried for several weeks in my backpack while traveling around New Zealand.

I was young
and strong
and crazy.

Fortunately the weather is better now and we can also escape in to the garden and at last enjoy some summer days

And fill up with vitamines.

I hope you are all in good health.

That's what matters the most after all.

1 comment:

  1. I wish good health to return to your lovelyhome and family soon, thanks for the house tour!


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