You all know about the economical situation all around the world. In the enterprise where my husband is working they are on short labour since April this year. Things did not get better since and so the management decided to close down business for the whole month of July...
So there we were with a looot of time to-and a bit less of money to spend!
And then our neighbour suggested we could take their caravan and head!!
And we did it.
I changed a shift in the hospital and in less than 24 hours we had packed and were on the road to here.
There was snow falling down to 1500m. !!
But for now, there is laundry and gardening time around here, then my scheduled shift has to be catch ed up but i really hope to find a tiny little bit of crafting time here and there. I had time to make many many plans for many many projects...
...Including a
I was thinking about since a little while.
So stay tuned
I have always wanted to go to Lake Como...your photos are just beautiful!